Home Decor
Vintage Framed Swivel Mirror with floor stand 36" x 21" Great for Kids Full Length Mirror
$15.00 by Bookoo Fan in 29 Palms, Feb 14
Vintage White Framed Swivel Mirror taken from a white vanity dresser desk and upcycled for a unique mirror. This has been upcycled with red and green glass cabochons along with some silver tone chains on the top portion of the stylish frame, it is not square or round frame. The swivel knobs have a brass look a wooden stand has been added allowing this mirror on the floor. Now your little ones have their own full-length mirror to check themselves out from head to toe before leaving the house. The approx measurements are 36" tall 21" wide, the mirror frame is about 33x21 making the stand about 3" high.
My Availability:
I can show my items today from 8:00AM to 8:30PM.
Tomorrow, I can show them from 8:00AM to 8:30PM.
Posted in: Home Decor.
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