Original Signed Framed and Etched Painting on Wood Panel 24" x 43" x 2.25" Marjorie Marjanen PRI...
$200.00 by Bookoo Fan in 29 Palms, 4 days ago
PRICE REDUCED TO $200.00. Signed by artist Marjorie Marjanen is a beautiful original signed, etched painting on wood panel set in 2 wooden frames. This is a very solid and unique piece of art. Other artwork by this Artist hangs or was hung in the Finnish Embassy in Washington D.C. Additional researched information of this Artist Marjorie Marjanen has been printed out and can be given to you with the purchase of this original signed painting. The approx measurements are the image size 16" x 36", the inner frame is 18" X 38" and the outer frame is 24" x 43" X 2.25". PRICED REDUCED was $250.00 now $200.00.
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I can show my items today from 8:00AM to 8:30PM.
Tomorrow, I can show them from 8:00AM to 8:30PM.
Posted in: Collectibles.
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